ACG News, Staff Publications & Research Papers


ICPT – International Conference on Road & Airfield Pavement Technology

ACG was proud this year to have the opportunity to support and participate in the ICPT international conference on road and pavement technology 2021.

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Publications & Research Papers

Staff Publications


Mr. Phillip Bell presented the following publication at the Australian Airports Association in 2021, this was part of the conferences focus on ‘Balancing Sustainability with Performance in Airport Pavements’.

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Dr. Gary Chia presented the following research abstract as part of the ICPT conference held remotely out of Sri Lanka. This abstract relates to the differentiation between software being used in the aviation and aerodrome design world.

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Associated & Supported Publications


Miah, MT, Oh, E, Chai, G, Bell. (2020). An overview of the airport pavement management systems (APMS), International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology.

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