Port Vila Airport, Vanuatu
Projects: Engineering - Planning & Design | Construction | Operations WSO/ARO
ACG were engaged initially by the airline Air Vanuatu to provide guidance on the compliance of the aged runway pavement against International standards. The works were extended to assistance in managing the World Bank contract and ACG was then engaged by the Airport Owner AVL.
- Emergency response to immediate requirements – arrived in country within 48hrs of being approached by client
- Assess pavement condition against expected standards for International Airport
- Brief CEO and stakeholders on pavement condition
- Nominate mitigating measures to hold pavement condition
- Provide on-going support to local operations team on maintenance practices
The runway pavement is aged and significantly oxidised, and has been deteriorating since Cyclone Pam flooded the runway pavement. The pavement condition was also suffering from insufficient maintenance program which resulted in loose aggregate being left on the pavement and minimal crack sealing being undertaken. After an improved maintenance regime and regular minor maintenance construction works, the main airlines have returned to service at the airport without incident.
Discover the video of the Runway Rehabilitation Project
2016-On Going
Port Vila Airport Emergency Runway Inspection and Rehabilitation Works
Jason Rakau
Airports Vanuatu Limited - Chief Executive Officer
Email: jrakau@airports.vu
Jan 2016 - On Going
Emergency Runway inspection and rehabilitation works
Jason Rakau
Airports Vanuatu Limited - Chief Executive Officer
Email: jrakau@airports.vu